Friday, October 03, 2008

Does it mean I'm famous...

If I've had my picture taken with two very famous people?

This is us with Sally Field. She was wonderfully polite. I even held her purse... but just for a second. I guess I can look a little shifty at times. ;)

And this is Patty Duke (or Anna as I like to call her... ok, not really, but that's her name!). She was absolutely delightful! Before our pic she even re-tied the bow on my blouse!


jaclyn said...

most definitely... i just saw these pics posted on a very credible celebrity website - only they were more concerned about who the cute little mystery blonde is... :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would never have guessed that old lady in the picture was Patty Duke. Wiki says shes only 61 the same age as Sally Field.