Thursday, March 22, 2007

So, so, so busy!

I moved... again.

I've lived SIX times since October 2004... I'm tired of moving!

This move is for the best though... I just know it.

So, I signed up for a Punk Rock Gift Exchange. Am I super Punk Rock? No, but I like things that are... I'm all about branching out.

I don't know what all is involved in these things though. We're supposed to keep our identities secret until the 2nd package arrives... so you know, there are 3 packages total; one to be recieved by April 1, the second by May 1 and the third by June 1. I think I already fucked it up though. I'm listed as NutScraps... so I probably should have used my Jen email address... I mean, they don't know who Jen is, right? Oh well. My PRGE Buddy seems pretty fuckin' cool. She's got a great blog... check her out!

So, I think I'm supposed to email her a few times a month and send her cool stuff. I have my first package ready... I hope she likes it. I was supposed to send it out on Saturday... but that was moving day... so I hope she's not too dissapointed that it's going out tomorrow... I know, I'm late... again. But I think she'll like everything so I'm pretty happy.

On the other hand... someone has me as their buddy. I haven't really heard from that person... I'm not too, too worried... but it would be nice to know that they have my new address, right? Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

So, note to my PRGE Buddy... If you've figured out who I am... package is on its way tomorrow and I do apologize about its tardiness. If you don't like the stuff... let me know... I want you to like your shit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey your secret pal here. I sent you an email to confirm your address. Please let me know if you got it. It should be from

-PRGE pal