Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's all about me, isn't it?

It’s no secret that the SHD and I agree that children most likely won’t be in our future.

My reasons (I can’t speak for him) are purely selfish… I like to nap, I like to drink too much and stay out too late, I like to go out on a whim and not have to worry if there’s someone to take care of the kid(s), I like to go on vacation and only have to reserve a kennel for Lucy (leaving for Las Vegas in one week!!!), I like not having to take personal days for anyone’s sickness but my own… I could go on and on.

Will there come a day when I’m tired of doing things for ME? Maybe… and at that time I’ll revisit the idea of kids. I don’t think I need to harvest my eggs (as one person suggested) to plan for that day, that one day - that might never come. If I’m too old, I’ll adopt. And just for the record, abortion is not an option for me… I believe in the woman’s right to choose, MY choice is life. It’s not hard to NOT get pregnant. I’ve been not getting pregnant for many years now; I don’t think my system will fail me now.

I don’t believe people should have kids unless they really, really want them. There are enough people breeding out there, no one will notice if I don’t add to the population. People all the time are telling me that “once you have your own” all of my views about kids will change. Well, what if they didn’t? Or, what if I did love my little critter and then I hate (with a flaming passion) all of their friends?

*Please note that there are exceptions to my dislike* But, I don’t really like kids… well, at least most of the kids I see. Much like, when you’re talking with your girlfriends about your boyfriend, it seems that all the bad things he did come out, instead of the many silly, nice, caring and wonderful things he does on a regular basis? We see the bad, the bad sticks with us and the good is taken for granted and forgotten (at least in that moment).

I see those kids at W*lmart that scream, kick, lay down in the aisles, are covered with boogers/dirt/that pink stuff that they were eating that is now all over their face and running down their arms… and God knows what else. Also, I see those little dirt leg’s parents yelling empty threats, grabbing them by the arms and loudly whispering in their ears, swatting at them… I’m so embarrassed for them that I can’t even explain it, I mean; somebody has to be embarrassed right? I believe all teenage dates should end at W*lmart… that’s all the birth control anyone should need. * I now go to Target, I’ve noticed this behavior less there.*

The bad parenting skills of today have made me choose not to be one.

Last night SHD and I had a fondue extravaganza with p4dd0 and M at their home. We had a fabulous time and got to spend a little bit of the evening watching them interact with their daughters. They have two lovely girls, and I got to see first hand a couple of kids that I like. Do I want my own? NO. But I realized that not all kids are bad. Some can be very well behaved, always use an indoor voice while indoors, complete a thought in a structured sentence at a young age and just be cute as a bug. I think they’re pretty fantastic parents.

I think I would make a good parent; I had good parents and that stuff rubs off right? Couldn’t I just use those skills to baby-sit somebody else’s GOOD kids once in a while?

Ok… I’ll step off my box now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree
except for the possible changing your mind part...