Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I can't believe I forgot!!!

So, I've mentioned this Punk Rock Gift Exchange here... and I thanked and posted pics on the PRGE bloger site, but I forgot to post those same pics and thanks here!

How could I?

So, here it is...

Package numero uno... from my Secret PRGE Pal.

I don't have any pics, but I did start on a pair of socks with the great sock yarn you see in the pic... there was a note pad (because all good knitters take notes... at least I do), my WIP - work in progress - is currently residing in the great Betty Boop bag, the body butter... great smells, one at home... one in the car... and one at home, and last and certainly not least... Domiknitrix! I can't wait to start one of the many super cool projects in that book!!!

Thank you bunches, Secret Pal... I love it all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great package... but not as awesome as the one you sent me!

Yes, I think I found you, and I'm fairly certain because you have a link to my site in an earlier post.

Looking forward to package number two from you, I'll be sure and holla when I get it!

Thanks for being a great not-so-secret-anymore pal!