Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Career Dilemmas...

It’s no secret that I’m looking for a new job. I’ve been looking since January. I sent out probably 100 resumes and I’ve only had two interviews (one resulted in a second interview).

I’ve been told by my father that I’m “doing the same thing again and expecting a different result” which is the recipe for insanity. I think that’s a quote by someone dead and famous, but I don’t know who.

I don’t like my job being an admin… yet I keep applying for admin positions. What exactly am I looking for? I still have no idea what I really want to do, and believe me, I’m not being lazy and just going along with the daily grind. I’ve really thought about this. And yet I still don’t know.

I’m debating a few things right now…

I could apply to be a Police 911 dispatcher… I knew a guy (who’s now a KCK police officer) who told the greatest stories of being a dispatcher while in high school. I think I might like that.

Also, here at the hospital, they’ve offered to pay for classes to become a certified coder. It would be a year of schooling (online) and I would be required to work at the hospital for one full year after completion of the classes (or pay back the fees)… I would audit patient accounts and make sure they are coded (charged) correctly. There is high demand for coders... and it's possible that down the line I could telecommute... which I think I would love. It's using numbers and looking at charts and symbols and technical stuff... not really a social job, I know.

Since I don’t know what I want to do… it seems that someone offering to pay for me to learn something new sounds like a smart move. Knowledge is power, right?

I know I don’t like what I’m doing now, but will I like doing what I’m doing here somewhere else?


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I feel like I've spent my whole life trying to figure out what I want to do, and I'm no closer to an answer. The good news is that you're in a situation where you can experiment a little. I would give the coding thing a shot if I were you. Get yourself another marketable skill, and then if you hate it you can do something else in a couple years.

Anonymous said...

go to this thread on the forum
the hours are a little wierd, but it sounds like a great job for you
no clue what the pay is though....
anything's worth a shot!!
