Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm getting all giddy inside...

Saturday, SHD and I celebrate the one year anniversary from our first date...

I remember it like it was yesterday. *sigh*

We went for drinks on the 14th, our first date was on the 16th, I knew I was in love on the 19th.

I think September is a good month for me.

We decided to get a suite at Ameristar on Sunday (to save some $) night, eat dinner at Bugatti's and drink lots of wine... I'm sure there will be some gambling... Ameristar, please be as kind as the Isle of Capri.


Anonymous said...

we were thinking about coming up for part of the evening and hanging/gambling for a bit.
we talked to dave about it but i wouldn't want to do it without asking you first
we obviously wouldn't be there late as SLIMM gets up so early on mondays
if it would ruin the romanitc nature of the evening just say so!!!!!

m.toast said...

Awww. Congrats, you crazy kids! ; ^ )