Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I used to be a law abiding citizen…

Last night St. and I went to get pedicures and dinner instead of heading to the gym… anything to avoid excercise, right?

We had a super fantastic time… until it was time for us to part ways. I believe it was typical St. and NutScraps fashion – St. laughing so hard she almost pees and me freaking out.

Here’s how it went down…

Driving down Ward Parkway, chatting it up and the light turns red. I turn on my blinker as we will be turning left to get to St.’s house. I make my turn and continue through the light ....

All of a sudden there are lights flashing and sirens blaring!!! I was getting pulled over!

NutScraps: “What?@#(!? St., am I getting pulled over?”

St.: “Yes! You need to pull over!”

NutScraps: “What did I do?!@#$?”
I am now frantic and remove my seat belt, freak out that I took off my seat belt but was afraid to put it back on because if he saw me, he might think I was just putting it on because I was getting pulled over… all the what if’s flowing at about 90 mph in my head.

Officer walks up to the car.

Officer: “Ma’am, why is it that you stopped, waited thirty seconds and then turned with me right behind you?”

NutScraps: “I don't understand... I had my blinker on.”

Officer: “Yes, but you made a left hand turn at a RED LIGHT.”

NutScraps: “WHAT!?! St.! Did I run a red light?!? Oh my God, I DID run a red light!”

St.: “HAHHA! HAHAHAH! AAHAH! AHAH!!!” (laughing hysterically)

Officer: “And when I pulled up the guy who was stopped next to you looked over at me, and I HAD to pull you over.”

NutScraps: “Oh my goodness! I didn’t even know that was a red light!”

St.: “HAHHA! HAHAHAH! AAHAH! AHAH!!!” (continues to laugh hysterically)

Officer: “What exactly was going on that you didn’t realize the red light?”

NutScraps: “I don’t know… we were just talking… oh my God, I am SO SORRY.”

Officer: “Can I see your license please?”

Officer takes NutScrap’s license back to his patrol car.

St.’s husband, walking by with the dog… “You have NO respect for the law!!! Officer, she has no respect for the law!”

NutScraps: “Shut up! I do too!

Officer walks back to the car.

Officer: “Let’s evaluate the situation… You ran a red light and you’re not wearing a seat belt.”

NutScraps: interrupting Officer “But I was wearing my seat belt! I just started to freak out… I haven’t been pulled over since I was 18 years old!”

Officer: interrupting NutScraps “Wait! I didn’t see you with your seatbelt on.”

NutScraps: “OK, sorry.”

Officer: “You don’t even have as much as a speeding ticket on your record. So, I want to you save your deep meaningful conversations with friends for home… not while you're driving. Here’s your license, drive save tonight.”

NutScraps: “Oh, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, again, I am SO SORRY.”

And St. was still laughing… I think she’s the real reason I didn’t get a ticket.

It’s so funny… we were just talking about warnings from police. I’ve never gotten a warning… but I have gotten 2 speeding tickets. I’ve now received my warning and I will try really hard to be a very attentive driver from now on.

I was in frantic mode for about 15 more minutes, and then relived the whole thing when I got home and gave SHD the same play-by-play you’ve just read. He wasn't surprised... he actually said that a bomb could go off and if St. and I were talking, we'd never know what happened.

I wanted to add a pic of me and St. taken a few months ago at our friend, Mrs. Ireland's wedding. It shows this situation perfectly... St. laughing her ass off... and me in panic mode (she'd just popped off my toenail!). But Blogger is not working, so I'll have to post it later. :(


Anonymous said...

your story is even better than mine
i think it's that st was sitting next to you laughing the whole time
it adds a little something to the story
maybe you and st should take separate vehicles from now on.....

m.toast said...

*wiping tears* Holy crap. I can SEE this happening, scene by scene, in my head. Like Scorsese...

Anonymous said...

St. is dangerous. There ought to be a law against her.