Wednesday, October 04, 2006

For the Record…

No, Sammy… you cannot share my pillow.


Because I said SO!

I will continue to move you… no matter how many times you creep your way back up. It’s enough that I let you sleep in the middle… you won’t sleep between our heads.

You’re cold?

Go sleep in your nice fluffy fleece-on-the-inside dog bed. I bought it especially for you… Lucy’s too big to steal it from you. It's warm... I promise... give it a try! I’m glad you’ve used it twice… let’s work on expanding that number.

I can hear you snore when you’re in the middle or even sometimes when you're at the foot of the bed; I can’t sleep with you breathing in my ear. Plus, you lick your ass! I don’t want to smell that. I know that’s hard to believe, as you do this so often.

And no, I don’t enjoy feeling your gritty little paw pushing me on the back of the neck. It is MY pillow and I will not move over so you’re more comfortable.

To make this fair… Lucy stop moaning in the hallway!

I’m tired today… there wasn’t much sleeping last night.

Sammy and Lucy… if anyone tells you about this… you know I love you.

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