Monday, October 23, 2006

You know… It’s really not all about me.

This weekend SHD and I took an “emergency” type trip to Iowa. I watched people I love saying their final goodbyes to someone they love. What a humbling day.

I think it’s time to re-evaluate some things in my life.

As long as the people you love are well – physically and mentally there really is no other reason to be unhappy. Work will always suck, you’ll never have enough money for the things you think you need, you’ll never have enough time to do the things that seem important… but as long as you are able to talk/see/touch those you love, that is all that should matter.

I’m going to start wearing a rubber band on my wrist. Every time I start to get upset about something that doesn’t matter, I’m going to snap it really hard… to remind me of what matters and to let everything else go. Eventually, I'll stop worrying about those silly things, Right?

Because all those other things… just… don’t… matter.

So, here's to making those things that do matter... the only things that upset me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach it, sister!