Wednesday, October 18, 2006

For the record…

Today is not starting out to be a good day… the office buddy from hell returned a day early from vacation. This saddens me beyond belief.

In general, I have something on my mind that I need to express.

I believe that blogging is a pretty self absorbed activity… I mean, we write about ourselves, what we’re feeling, thinking, doing and pretty much using it as a sounding board to vent.

If you don’t want people to know what you’re doing, thinking, feeling and such… you have two options as I see it.

#1 Don’t write it.
#2 Don’t tell your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family about your blog.

Let’s face it. We all live in glass houses. I’ll admit to shit talking occasionally. Hell, I’ve been the Queen of Shit Talking at times… but who the fuck hasn’t.

So, to those who think it’s necessary to throw stones in my glass house.

Fuck you.

Now, go have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need to be like me - where no one reads your blog, and thus - they don't care :)

and i think i drowned your turtle!!!
