Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I just want what is rightfully mine…

Last night some of the Waldo A$$holes met and went to the Royals game. They kicked the Orioles’ butts and that was fun… but I have a beef with the Royals.

My beef isn’t directly with the players, coaches or even the bat boy. My beef is with the fockers who said that the first 20,000 people get Monarchs t-shirts. I didn’t get a t-shirt last night… and there were only 18,500 in attendance. I was one of the 1,500 who got screwed.

I want my t-shirt dammit! The t-shirt is the reason I wanted to go to the game (besides getting to hang out with my friends... but I can do that and not have to pay $6 for a beer many other places)! I would have even paid for a t-shirt. They were cool! And I’m supposed to have one!

And just for the record… for those who will say, “well, you should have gotten there earlier”. Screw you! I did want to go get our tickets early! I wanted to get my t-shirt and go back to the car to tailgate some… but SHD said I had nothing to worry about… so in the end…

It’s SHD’s fault!


Anonymous said...

damn the man!

in this case... damn YOUR man!


m.toast said...

Wow. I can't believe you're still upset about that. Heh. Give a girl a RELISH shirt, and next she wants the world. ; ^ )

You know, they should really have a BBS on that Waldo site. For ease of Waldo A$$hole use.

Anonymous said...

that sucks
what was their explanation about it?
why weren't there enough shirs?
i think you should write a letter to the editor of the star and complain
oh wait, what's that group that investigates those things?
you should definately get them involved!!
you were cheated, is say, cheated!!!!