Friday, July 28, 2006

I Like to Describe Myself as “Colorful”...

I’ll admit that I over react on a regular basis, I tend to exaggerate and I take everything personally (even when it’s just business). It’s why I can tell great stories… and why I always have a story to tell. But if you’re having a bad day, I don’t feel the need to share why my day is crappier… I know it’s not all about me... well, not all the time.

I don’t think I live in crisis mode.

I’m generally happy; I’m laid back and enjoy going with the flow. I don’t like to be rushed (like when you’re getting ready to leave the house), but who does?

At times in my life I’ve found it difficult to avoid drama. I had friends who lived with lots of drama… luckily I’ve realized that their problems don’t have to be my problems and I don’t see or talk to those friends any longer.

We are given one of the greatest gifts… choice.

I have the choice of who I hang around with. I have the choice of what I do everyday. I have the choice to eat whatever I want, drink whatever I want and say whatever I feel. I am truly one lucky girl.

My office buddy has been living in crisis mode for the last 2 weeks (since returning from surgery that removed all her female "bits"). I work in a department that enforces rules… when people break those rules, we have to find out why things played out as they did and if possible fix the problem and educate those involved so that the issue doesn’t happen again.

The rules that are broken do not mean life or death. There will always be new instances where rules are broken… if there wasn’t… we wouldn’t have jobs. I want to tell her to shut up. Each person she talks to, she talks about “Pandora’s Box” opening in her lap and how stressed out she is. I have a little piece of advice for her… get a new job. I think we’d all be a little happier then.

Oh, and I don’t want to hear about your boyfriend anymore… or his twelfth wife or his sixteen kids (this makes him sound like white trash… have you not noticed this?), or your weight loss surgery (did it work any?), or your personal waxing habits (Ewwww...), or your adventures at Ray’s Play Pen… do you ever talk about appropriate workplace things?

I know this is all old news, but it doesn't seem to be easing up any. Anyway… I’m choosing to get over this… right now.

This weekend is going to fly by… tonight wedding rehearsal dinner (for an old friend of SHD… I have no idea who these people are), tomorrow wedding and reception, then working at the pet store and more painting…

Oh! The bedroom is done! Now to get started on the spare bedroom… then ALL OF THE PAINTING WILL BE DONE!!! Bwhahahah…. I wonder what the next project will be?


m.toast said...

>she talks about “Pandora’s Box” opening in her lap

Oh gawd. More Pelvic Revelations. You need a box with a light in it above your desk. Like at the grocery store checkout stands. Except it should have a pic of the crotch area with a big red slash through it. When she annoys, you could reach up and turn on the light. Or point to it with a yardstick and not have to speak.

NutScraps said...

Ewww... she just called her boyfriend cause she was running late...

"I had to work a little late... am I too late? Do you have enough time?"

Ewwww... I swear, if I can take this, I can take anything.

Anonymous said...

we've really got to find you a new job!!