Wednesday, August 23, 2006

99% of the time I'm really nice...

Often I make fun of people… it’s sad, I know… but I can’t help myself sometimes, OK a lot of times, OK I can’t control myself at all… OK, OK, I make fun of people all the time.

If I have ever made fun of anyone for not handling pain well, specifically back pain… I am truly sorry.

Back pain is nothing to be taken lightly or to laugh at… I now know this… seriously, as I am in pain, big-fat-real-hard-to-deal-with, pain. There is no relief, no position to sit/stand/lie in to ease the pain. Hell, the narcotics I’m taking are completely worthless, I might as well be taking tic tacs… then I wouldn’t be building a tolerance to aforementioned useless prescriptions.

And when you ignore your dogs (well, specifically a little black and white one who wants to go outside) and you don't really realize it because you’re passed out on the couch in a muscle relaxer coma… they hike their leg and pee all over the floor. Rage… rage makes the pain subside just long enough to kick the pee-er out the door, but then it (the pain) returns.

Side note: the dogs had been let out of the house 3 hours before the peeing incident occurred… he can hold it longer than 3 hours dammit.

I think I’ve uncovered something… Rage works… like when I looked out the window and saw the little neighbor shit (aka. 7 year old neighbor girl) pulling/trying to drag Lucy by the collar, then hit in the face TWICE… because apparently Lucy wasn’t doing exactly what she wanted.

Wait! That little shit just hit my dog!!! In the face!!!

I immediately went outside and told the little shit, “NEVER hit Lucy EVER again… it’s time for you to go home” and I let the dogs into the house. Apparently she felt bad enough to leave some lilies she picked on our porch with a picture she drew for me, saying that she hopes I feel better soon. That made me feel a little guilty… I mean, who wants to be the nasty lady next door? But I swear… if she hits one of my dogs again…

Lucy’s not used to being treated that way… What if Lucy had bit her? I’m sure it would be deemed the dog’s fault (I can just hear the headlines now... "Golden Retriever Goes Wild on Small Child"). I mean, if I were put in that situation (as the dog)… I’d be like, “Whoa bitch, you’re in my yard… we play by my rulesI’m gonna bite you in the ass”!

I won’t have her in my yard alone with either of our dogs again… hell, she’s never welcome back as far as I’m concerned… You must remember, I don’t want kids, I don’t really like them either… especially the 7 year old kind.

NO ONE has the right to come into your yard and knock around your dogs… right?


Anonymous said...!!
no one should come into your yard and knock your dogs around

you need anything just call okay????

Anonymous said...

I love animals, especially dogs, too. I also love my kids. It sounds like the little shit, I mean girl, was sorry. You are justified for what you did. Try explaining it to the little girl just like you did here (minus the swearing). She will understand, and I bet treat Lucy with more kindness next time. Does the girl have pets? I bet not, so she might not know better. Although I suppose a 7 yr. old really should have the brains and compassion to know better. My point is-just talk to the girl. It'll be good and you won't be the nasty lady next door.