Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The redundancy is getting old...

I am a nice person.

I don’t know why I have to keep repeating my self this simple fact.

Why? OK, I’ll analyze this.

I don’t know why it is that some people feel the need to talk down to you… because they are a) having a bad day; b) unhappy with their job; c) so unbelievably nasty and bitchy in their own lives that they want to take everybody else down with them.

I work with a woman who is psychotic. And I’m seriously about to lose my temper.

I’m a pretty intelligent person. I am an assistant. I guess I need to define what an assistant does and does not do…

I will make this a shortened/condensed version.

An assistant will DO the following:
Make copies
Answer phones
Compose drafts of letters, emails and memos
Schedule meetings and maintain calendars

An assistant will NOT DO the following:
Pretend to read your mind
Take the heat when you don’t do your job
Take your crap when things aren’t done because you don’t do your job
Allow you to:
Talk down to me
Belittle me
Act condescendingly towards me
Be flippant without the expectation for retaliation

I am a professional. I do not need someone to hold my hand. I expect to be treated with the same amount of professionalism that I give. Just let me do my job.

You don’t get respect until you give it, you crazy psycho bitch. I hate you.

Again, I am a nice person… I’m going to go cry now.


Anonymous said...

You're definitely in the top five of the nicest people I know!

NutScraps said...

Ahh... thanks beck. I appreciate that.

I did confront her, she apologized, then apologized to my boss. Apparently she didn't know she was being such a cunt.

(I don't use that word lightly)

We'll see how long she can act like an appropriate-for-the-office gal.