Friday, August 25, 2006

Back to Rational Scraps...

So, I’ve had time to think rationally about what happened in my yard on Tuesday.

I’m pretty damn lucky Lucy didn’t bite that little girl.

I’ll admit that I’m having concerns for the little girl who beats up on animals when she thinks no one is watching.

I’m thinking of having a conversation with the girl’s Mom. Not to tell her that I think her daughter is going to grow up to be a serial murderer… but to let her know why I think it’s a bad idea for her daughter to play with Lucy now.

Lucy is a shy Golden Retriever. I’m not sure if my ex did something to her… she’s very nervous around new people… especially men. I am lead to assume that a man in her life at some point did something to make her leery. She went a little bonkers (with scary teeth and snarly noises) on me once and once on SHD… she doesn’t do well in situations when she feels cornered… but who does (said a little in her defense)?

It is never good to growl and bite at someone… but in the end… she’s an animal… that will protect herself if she feels threatened. That fact cannot be changed.

My job as a responsible pet owner is to keep my pets safe and those around them safe. If that means that the next door neighbor needs to find another way to entertain her daughter… I guess that’s her issue.

* Thanks for the comment, Annon... I appreciate a parent's point of view.

Oh! I saw this while surfing today... I think it's kinda cool... in a rave'y' sort of way (I'm not really a rave attending kind of gal... but I still think it's cool).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once over your anger, you can use this as a great way to explain to the little girl about compassion and how animals have feelings too. I definitely wouldn't let her alone with Lucy again, but maybe she could still have supervised visits so she can learn the value of treating all animals with kindness. You can tell her how sad Lucy was and ask her how she'd feel is someone hit her.