Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fashion Faux Paus???

I'm not a fashion diva... surprise, surprise... I like to be comfortable. I don't buy what's trendy... unless it comes in the t-shirt variety... in fact, SHD says I look my best when I'm in a t-shirt and jeans... probably because that's when I'm most comfortable with myself (see me in a suit and you'd think I was a stuffed penguin, well, probably not but at least that's how I feel in them).

So, on my quest to be comfortable... and that I work in a hospital, the gals are trying to talk me into investing in CROCS. My first reaction is, EWWW... but are they comfortable?

Would I sacrifice the EWWW factor for comfort?

What do you think? Give it to me.

They even come in pink!


Anonymous said...

the nurses here have had mixed feelings. but it doesn't matter anymore - they're not allowed to wear them now. my mom likes them - and she has serious foot problems (pinched nerves, surgeries, the works). i personally don't care for them comfort-wise, but they are great for the lake and for working in the garden (easily hosed off, and dry quickly). my two (or twenty) cents.

Anonymous said...

i personally abhor them
i think they are hideous

but if comfort is the rule, you should try them on and see if you like them

i personally wont wear them
there are so many other brands of shoes that are comfortable and fashionable....

Anonymous said...

Ew. No.