Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I was raised in Independence...

I was raised in Independence and lived there my 27 years until just last November I moved to Kansas City with SHD. I think Independence is a pretty OK place to live. I know that we were the Meth Capitol of the United States back in 1996 and I realize that if you drive down Truman Road or 24 Highway you might think Independence is a little seedy... but I think every city is going to have some rough areas.

I was pretty shocked to hear about the snuff killing that happened a few months back. I'd love to be naive and think that those things only happen in "other" places. I just ran across this AD on Craig's List.

I know a lot of people who know nothing about Craig's List in Kansas City... and these people don't really remind me of people who would be computer savy...

I'm sure they are good people... I mean, they were only teasing when they raped, tortured and killed that woman... in front of a video camera. It was all the press, showing them in a bad light, right?

I think they need a little more than spiritual advising... they pretty much have a reserved seat in hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy crap
no they di'nt