Thursday, December 28, 2006


Is not only a place for dirty, nasty, child molesting wierdos… it’s also a place to find friends you haven’t seen in a while.

I don’t spend much time there (it’s banned at work and I seem to only check it after a night of drinking) but I’m always surprised to see a friend request from someone I absolutely adore that I (shamefully)allowed myself to lose contact with.

That’s the thing about who I used to be… I totally lost contact with most of my dear friends when I was dating/engaged/married to my ex-husband. I was lost… I forgot who I was… but only for a bit. What’s sad is that when I finally woke up, the people I used to hang with were not in the same places they were before, you know, because time changes everything.

So I’ve decided that when I once thought it was silly to have a MySpace page (I thought it was silly to drink Boone’s Farm outside of high school parties too…), I’ve decided that MySpace rocks… if for no other reason to see what’s going on in the lives of those I’ve lost contact with.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

This is REALLY Cool...

I just totally fell in love...

I found it here.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And now I wait on pins and needles...

I think I NAILED it! *as I grin from ear to ear*

I had the most wonderful interview this morning... she's asked me to come back for a second interview mid-January!

I WANT this job! It sounds perfect for me.

I'm so excited!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Do me a favor?

I have a job interview tomorrow... I would appreciate you sending your happy thoughts my way.

This job could be a very good thing for me... and I want to do really well.

I just need to remember to... be myself... and what is meant to be... happens!

And... Thanks! for the nice words about my aprons. :) You'll just really have to see them in person... they are so much cuter!

Monday, December 18, 2006

At Last... Pics!

OK, so since Twit was not here to model my aprons, you get the flat/laid on the recliner version.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This apron is for SHD's Mom... it is a standard design with rounded corners, contrasting ruffle on the bottom, ties around the neck and waist and a small pocket. The apron (including ties) are fully lined in red.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This apron is for one of SHD's Sisters... it has an empire, gathered waist, fully lined in bright pink with criss-cross ties in the back (yes, the pocket is supposed to be folded down).

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This apron is for another of SHD's Sisters... I love the simplicity of this apron. It is a standard shape lined in lightweight denim and edged with a contrasting fabric with a big pocket in the middle to hold all of your "stuff".

The last apron I'm showing (one I'm re-doing and one I still have yet to make) is one that was originally going to be a gift, but the more I got into it, the more I fell in love with it... sooo, I'm keeping it.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is my (one of them) apron... I added darts to fit the bust and there is a diagonal empire type waist. I am not quite finished with this one... I still need to line with bright pink, make the ties around the waist and add a pocket. This fits (and imo looks) more like a dress... if I only wear this apron while cooking... SHD will be eating very good... soon!

I hope you like my pictures... I wish you could see them in person, but since these are gifts, I guess you'll have to wait for your own! (Let me know if you'd like one... I can't promise you'd get it soon, but I will eventually finish all my projects, right?)

A Boy and His Dog...

Here's a thought... I was sent a story about a little 4 year old boy and his feelings about his dog who was dying of cancer and needed to be put to down. After the dog passed this is what he had to say...

"People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice. Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

* You'd better see the disclaimer *

Soon I will be posting pics of my crafting adventures.

*** Beware… I’m thinking pretty highly of myself today *… so if you’re afraid you might barf at my arrogance *… stop now. You've been warned. ***

I think I may have a different Calling. I love crafting!

I love knitting, I love crocheting, and I also love sewing.

With my new found addiction to crafting, I joined a crafting book club. I think it’s funny. I’ve bought all these books… and I’m actually using them! I love it!

One of the books I got was on and about Aprons… you know, we don’t wear aprons as much as we should.

It’s no secret that I don’t really like to cook… I mean, the everyday cooking that you’re supposed to do, like dinner. I like the instant gratification of take-out for dinner. But I do enjoy cooking for special occasions, like Christmas! This Christmas we’re having snack style foods at my Mom’s house (not on Christmas day). I’m bringing my super famous (well really this other lady’s super famous) Crunchy Caramel Apple Pie. It is a very labor intensive apple pie… definitely not easy… but I love making it.

Back to the point… So I’m thinking that if I don’t really enjoy cooking… if I look pretty while I do it… it might be a little better/easier? It’s just a thought… So I’m making one-of-a-kind original NutScraps aprons as Christmas gifts for SHD’s ladies (aka. his Sisters and Mom) and my Aunt and I’ll make one for myself after Christmas. I’m working with a sewing machine, thread, fabric from JoAnn’s and the wildly vivid pictures… pictures in my head. No patterns required… ala from scratch.

It’s so much fun! I’m even thinking I’d like to take sewing lessons… or whatever I can do to learn how to do it better. Don’t get me wrong… they are constructed beautifully (if I don’t say so myself) but I’ll admit things like darts are a struggle, I’ll pull out stitches a few times before its right. I can’t wait to post my pics (first I’ll have to take them though).

*I warned you I was feeling a bit proud today…*

With each apron I make, I like them better and better! I’m really letting go and the ideas are just flowing out. It’s a shame it takes so long for me to create these masterpieces; I could possibly sell them. At least that’s what my Mom says… and I’m not convinced that she’s just saying it because I’m her daughter and she's supposed to think everything I do is amazing.

So, in addition to my fabulously great aprons I’m also making these cute Winter/Christmas themed crochet things for my Grandparents. I think I have a pic around here somewhere… a stocking cap for my Dad and a felted purse for my sister.

Wow. This has turned into the longest post ever! Guess I’m feeling a bit talkative today.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I’m torn…

I’m happy… but torn.

First, the happy part.

I’ve got an interview!!! Not just an interview at any old place… and interview where Toast works!!!

List of Pros:
The pay would be more than I’m making now… although not as much as I’d like to make.
My commute would be shorter and I’d be working South of home and wouldn’t have to drive Downtown everyday.
I might be salary instead of hourly.
Toast says the benefits are great and I’d love all the foofy things they do to celebrate different holidays and employee appreciation things (since we’re a not-for-profit hospital there’s not much splurging on fun and entertainment here).
I’d have normal PTO and won’t have to work holidays (even the ones like Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).
I’d work with Toast!

I’d work closer to our group of friends and might be able to go out to lunch on occasion.
I’d get to go out to lunch on occasion… period.
I’d park close to the building I work in and wouldn’t have to ride the “insta-car sickness” shuttle twice a day.

List of Cons:
I really, really like my Boss here. We’ve become good work friends.
I work for a truly great organization… my job may not be the best, but they do really great things here and I’m proud to say that I work here.
Again, I really, really like my Boss and would really hate to leave her.

This is the dilemma I always face when looking for a new job. I don’t like the “leaving” part. It’s not that I feel like I’m quitting… and it’s not that I don’t understand that in order to move forward you have to leave some things behind… it’s also not that I think they won’t get by and find someone just as good as me to replace me (but seriously, is there anyone as good as me?)… I just get anxious and nervous with a huge pit in my stomach at the thought of putting in my notice.

Replacing employees is hard and I feel guilty when I know that my Boss, who’s so busy already, will have to scramble to find someone else to do the (limited) amount of work I do now. Plus, since we’ve become friends, we talk about personal stuff. She confides in me and if I’m gone… who will she confide in? I keep her sane. I guess I’d feel like I was abandoning her.

Wow… think I wear my heart on my sleeve?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Do I feel older?

Not really... but I never had acid reflux when I was 27. :)

I have had a fantastic day!

I went to breakfast at Succotash with greatest friends... and boyfriend. Went shopping (spent my GC on shoes), took a nap... then had dinner at Sol Azteca with those same friends + one.

I'm truly such a lucky gal. I'm surrounded by people who inspire me to be greater than I am, people who truly care about those around them and people who I love.

My Grandpa and I share the same birthday... today he is 80. I love him... he tells the greatest stories. He knew President Truman... even kept a secret about Bess wrecking their car while he was out of the country on business! :)

I'm such a lucky gal.

So, Happy 28th Birthday to me!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm stuck... and not in the snow...

I'm stuck in my office.

We are required to park off-site where I work. Shuttle busses take the employees to and from the parking lot.

Today, with the snow and ice and traffic of downtown KC crazies trying to get home... the busses can't get to and from the hospital in a timely manner.

I waited in line (along with 200+) other people for almost 30 minutes before I turned around, got out of line and went back to my desk.

I've been in my office for almost an hour now... and the line is still there. I can't walk to my car, not only because it's five city blocks away and I don't want to get hit by the crazies who don't know how to drive in the snow, but I'm taking an ass load of work home in hopes that I can work from home tomorrow.

I'm stuck... and I haven't even seen the snow yet.

Oh, and I left my cell phone at home today. I called SHD from my desk phone (I'm amazed I know his phone number) and told him I would call again before I headed home. If it takes longer than 2 hours... I asked him to come look for me on Holmes.

Maybe I'll just take a nap. *wink*

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

At least he knows when he's being bad...

Anyone who has gone out to dinner with me knows they can eat my 'after dinner mint' without even asking.

I hate mint... with an absolute passion. I even use cinnamon toothpaste. The smell of peppermint is the worst... it actually will make me sick to my stomach.

SHD just sent me this message... it made me laugh.

"I'm eating Junior Mints.
It feels kind of dirty."

It's funny. He's vegetarian so I don't bring meat in the house... I hate mint, so he doesn't bring mints into the house. I guess the difference is, I'll eat meat in front of him and not feel a thing.

Bwahahahah! I am the devil.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Oooohhh! Screw You...

Mr. Black Fuzzy Cover for my earphones!

You fell off! And now my earphones just aren't the same!

Damn you!

Monday, November 20, 2006

I am a Girl Who Wears Many Hats...

I am an Administrative Assistant… sometimes known as Girl Wonder.

I can do it all…

I can schedule your meetings.
I can plan your corporate functions.
I can keep you straight and have you going to all the right places… just one time.
I can coordinate your meetings and keep copious notes.
I can organize your office and files... in just one afternoon.
I can have lunch delivered at the last minute... without breaking a sweat.

I can assemble office furniture, mail carts… without reading the instructions.

And today I can say…

When you’re leading New Employee Orientation for fifty people and the heel breaks off of your brand new shoe… causing you to hobble out of said presentation, through the halls of the hospital making your way to my office…

Give me a couple of minutes, a hammer and some pliers…

And I can fix your shoe, after which appearing never to have failed you… letting you walk with dignity back to your office to dwell in your little pool of embarrassment.

Damn! I'm good.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Gray Day...

I have lost nine friends… some to accidents, some to suicide… none from actual medical problems. And all this happened when I was 17-23 years old.

I’ve been very fortunate in these last few years, I’ve only been to one funeral since 2003 (and that was just two weeks ago – for someone who lived a long and wonderful life).

But for a while, I was pretty messed up about it.

For so many years (late teens, early twenties) I was lost. The friends I made were wonderful… there’s not much I would change… I just wish I had the insight I have now (I know, who doesn’t?) and knew who I was a little better.

Losing friends is hard… especially when you feel like they are dropping like flies.

My most recent friend to pass died in a car accident while leaving the graduation ceremonies of friends at Northwest Missouri State. He fell asleep at the wheel and was hit by a semi traveling in the other lanes. I’ll never forget Donnie. We were close. He went on a family ski trip with me during my Freshman year of high school. We became friends in seventh grade (as all the grad schools combine for junior high) and were remained close through our Sophomore year (then I started working and ended up graduating a year early). We were always ‘just friends’ which I think is why we were able to stay close during those crazy teen years.

I think it’s the cold gray day that’s making me sentimental. It’s these days that I’d give anything for a hot cup of tea, a warm blanket, and my boyfriend to snuggle with.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.

-Ann Landers

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More Office Drama...

Have you ever had a conversation with someone (say... an office buddy) where during the entire conversation you have the "ewww" look on your face... yet they don't stop talking?

If I don't ask how your weekend went... chances are... I don't want to hear about it.

Ewww! They were putting shots (not the kind that keeps you from getting the flu) in her bra!

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The West

Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta.

The Midland
North Central
The Inland North
The South
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Where did the "Do Over" go?

Why is it that when you do stupid shit, you can't have a "do over"?

I've done a stupid thing... went about something important in a stupid way... and now I can't take back the way I did it.

That sucks.

Why do we have to grow up... and be grown ups?

I miss the days of "do over"s.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Do you ever wish you could just turn it off?

Friday, November 03, 2006

*Fingers drumming on my desk*

There's nothing for me to do at work... and I had to come back from Iowa... to do nothing.

SHD and I headed to Iowa on Wednesday evening to attend his Grandmother's funeral yesterday. I had to drive separate because I needed to be back at work on Friday (you've all heard me talk about the messed up paid time off system here).

So, I'm here... tired from the last few days events... without a single work related thing to do.

So... I'll play solitare on my iPod. It's a shame that I can't bring in a book or something.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Karma... It Gets Me Everytime...

Last night I made fun of my boyfriend with “wine teeth”… It was really funny.

This morning I woke up with a “third eye” pimple.

Ugh… I hate third eye pimples!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I’ve found a new love…

Red bean ice cream balls from Jun’s.

They are delightful.

I had 3 last night.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It’s the little things…

We're celebrating today...

I’ve only snapped myself once today with my new trusty rubber band.

My office buddy is trading offices with another person in my department! Someone I get along with really well!

Yay!!! Yay!!! Yay!!!

Oh... I’m also in need of a little advice. I need to know what I’m supposed to do when someone I love is really sad and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. I’m a fixer and I just feel like I need to DO something… when there really is nothing to do.

Should I just snap myself when I try to cheer him up? Should I not try to cheer him up? I want to give him his space… but I also want him to know I’m supportive… and even though I’ve told him I’ll do anything I can… I’m afraid that he won’t take me up on it unless I’m asking at the time… which makes me want to ask often. But I don't want to smother...

Let me know what you’d do.

Monday, October 23, 2006

You know… It’s really not all about me.

This weekend SHD and I took an “emergency” type trip to Iowa. I watched people I love saying their final goodbyes to someone they love. What a humbling day.

I think it’s time to re-evaluate some things in my life.

As long as the people you love are well – physically and mentally there really is no other reason to be unhappy. Work will always suck, you’ll never have enough money for the things you think you need, you’ll never have enough time to do the things that seem important… but as long as you are able to talk/see/touch those you love, that is all that should matter.

I’m going to start wearing a rubber band on my wrist. Every time I start to get upset about something that doesn’t matter, I’m going to snap it really hard… to remind me of what matters and to let everything else go. Eventually, I'll stop worrying about those silly things, Right?

Because all those other things… just… don’t… matter.

So, here's to making those things that do matter... the only things that upset me.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

For the record…

Today is not starting out to be a good day… the office buddy from hell returned a day early from vacation. This saddens me beyond belief.

In general, I have something on my mind that I need to express.

I believe that blogging is a pretty self absorbed activity… I mean, we write about ourselves, what we’re feeling, thinking, doing and pretty much using it as a sounding board to vent.

If you don’t want people to know what you’re doing, thinking, feeling and such… you have two options as I see it.

#1 Don’t write it.
#2 Don’t tell your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family about your blog.

Let’s face it. We all live in glass houses. I’ll admit to shit talking occasionally. Hell, I’ve been the Queen of Shit Talking at times… but who the fuck hasn’t.

So, to those who think it’s necessary to throw stones in my glass house.

Fuck you.

Now, go have a great day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Do they have a support group for such things?

Have you ever become emotionally involved with something that is… not real?

It’s one thing to cry every single time you watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition… I mean, they do really nice things for people who truly deserve it. But have you ever been really into a show that you cry during every (or almost every) episode?

I’m addicted to Grey’s Anatomy. And it isn’t real. Izzy isn’t real, Denny didn’t die, and Derrick should be a cheating rat bastard. Yet, I feel for Izzy, cried hard when Denny died, and love Derrick.

I’m so sick that when I hear the songs that are either played during the show or on the commercials (Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol and Come on Over by Rob Thomas) I can actually see Izzy, Meredith and Cristina in my mind. I even wonder what they would possibly be doing.

The latest in the Izzy/Denny saga is that Denny left Izzy $8.7 million. I should be happy that Izzy is rich, instead I’m still distraught for her that Denny is dead and she’ll spend the rest of her life without the person she was meant to be with.


The problem is… I love this show. I look forward to watching it. I record the shows on my DVR so I don’t miss a thing. I even watch each episode more than once.

The first step is admitting it right? Yeah…

But has this happened to you?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This is a totally drunk post...q

I love my friends...

So heree;s to dinner at Il Central...

And winne...

And Monopoly when I'm too drunk kto finish.

I love my firriennddds...

Tahat is all... and no worries.. . I'm not driving... because I have a wonder ful booooyfriend.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My ears are bleeding...

I actually just heard my office buddy (who is an adultress and speaks to her 'man' on the phone multiple times every day) utter these words...

"I don’t know how my schedule will be later this afternoon… it’s possible that I could squeeze you in… if you know what I mean."


The only thing to make this worse is if she calls her husband next and does the cochy coo with him too...

I shouldn't have drank that entire bottle of wine last night.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

For the Record…

No, Sammy… you cannot share my pillow.


Because I said SO!

I will continue to move you… no matter how many times you creep your way back up. It’s enough that I let you sleep in the middle… you won’t sleep between our heads.

You’re cold?

Go sleep in your nice fluffy fleece-on-the-inside dog bed. I bought it especially for you… Lucy’s too big to steal it from you. It's warm... I promise... give it a try! I’m glad you’ve used it twice… let’s work on expanding that number.

I can hear you snore when you’re in the middle or even sometimes when you're at the foot of the bed; I can’t sleep with you breathing in my ear. Plus, you lick your ass! I don’t want to smell that. I know that’s hard to believe, as you do this so often.

And no, I don’t enjoy feeling your gritty little paw pushing me on the back of the neck. It is MY pillow and I will not move over so you’re more comfortable.

To make this fair… Lucy stop moaning in the hallway!

I’m tired today… there wasn’t much sleeping last night.

Sammy and Lucy… if anyone tells you about this… you know I love you.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I just made someone's day... I think...

I just told someone in the hallway that her zipper was down.

And now I laugh.

Where's the justice in that?

I really don’t understand what is going on with our world.

People are going into schools and shooting children. And instead of telling people why, or at least spreading whatever filth they have in their shit filled heads... they kill themselves, and don't have to face any consequences... at least not here.

Three schools are attacked in a little over one week.

I never felt unsafe at school. I really feel bad for kids in school these days.

Not only do people go to school with the intention to molest, maim and kill others… some come with guns and knives just waiting for someone to start a fight with them. And even fist fights aren't fair anymore. No one just "gets their ass kicked".

These are the people who will be running the world when I’m old.

I'm scared to death at this thought.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I used to be a law abiding citizen…

Last night St. and I went to get pedicures and dinner instead of heading to the gym… anything to avoid excercise, right?

We had a super fantastic time… until it was time for us to part ways. I believe it was typical St. and NutScraps fashion – St. laughing so hard she almost pees and me freaking out.

Here’s how it went down…

Driving down Ward Parkway, chatting it up and the light turns red. I turn on my blinker as we will be turning left to get to St.’s house. I make my turn and continue through the light ....

All of a sudden there are lights flashing and sirens blaring!!! I was getting pulled over!

NutScraps: “What?@#(!? St., am I getting pulled over?”

St.: “Yes! You need to pull over!”

NutScraps: “What did I do?!@#$?”
I am now frantic and remove my seat belt, freak out that I took off my seat belt but was afraid to put it back on because if he saw me, he might think I was just putting it on because I was getting pulled over… all the what if’s flowing at about 90 mph in my head.

Officer walks up to the car.

Officer: “Ma’am, why is it that you stopped, waited thirty seconds and then turned with me right behind you?”

NutScraps: “I don't understand... I had my blinker on.”

Officer: “Yes, but you made a left hand turn at a RED LIGHT.”

NutScraps: “WHAT!?! St.! Did I run a red light?!? Oh my God, I DID run a red light!”

St.: “HAHHA! HAHAHAH! AAHAH! AHAH!!!” (laughing hysterically)

Officer: “And when I pulled up the guy who was stopped next to you looked over at me, and I HAD to pull you over.”

NutScraps: “Oh my goodness! I didn’t even know that was a red light!”

St.: “HAHHA! HAHAHAH! AAHAH! AHAH!!!” (continues to laugh hysterically)

Officer: “What exactly was going on that you didn’t realize the red light?”

NutScraps: “I don’t know… we were just talking… oh my God, I am SO SORRY.”

Officer: “Can I see your license please?”

Officer takes NutScrap’s license back to his patrol car.

St.’s husband, walking by with the dog… “You have NO respect for the law!!! Officer, she has no respect for the law!”

NutScraps: “Shut up! I do too!

Officer walks back to the car.

Officer: “Let’s evaluate the situation… You ran a red light and you’re not wearing a seat belt.”

NutScraps: interrupting Officer “But I was wearing my seat belt! I just started to freak out… I haven’t been pulled over since I was 18 years old!”

Officer: interrupting NutScraps “Wait! I didn’t see you with your seatbelt on.”

NutScraps: “OK, sorry.”

Officer: “You don’t even have as much as a speeding ticket on your record. So, I want to you save your deep meaningful conversations with friends for home… not while you're driving. Here’s your license, drive save tonight.”

NutScraps: “Oh, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, again, I am SO SORRY.”

And St. was still laughing… I think she’s the real reason I didn’t get a ticket.

It’s so funny… we were just talking about warnings from police. I’ve never gotten a warning… but I have gotten 2 speeding tickets. I’ve now received my warning and I will try really hard to be a very attentive driver from now on.

I was in frantic mode for about 15 more minutes, and then relived the whole thing when I got home and gave SHD the same play-by-play you’ve just read. He wasn't surprised... he actually said that a bomb could go off and if St. and I were talking, we'd never know what happened.

I wanted to add a pic of me and St. taken a few months ago at our friend, Mrs. Ireland's wedding. It shows this situation perfectly... St. laughing her ass off... and me in panic mode (she'd just popped off my toenail!). But Blogger is not working, so I'll have to post it later. :(

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What’s really in a nickname?

Do we even really consider them “nicknames”?

My family thinks it’s really strange that I’ve always had nicknames and all my friends have also.

It really is their fault… I mean there are like 3 million Jennifers in the world. I even recall the story of when I was born and the nurse asked my Mom what my name would be. My Mom said, “her name is Jennifer”… and the nurse replied with, “really? There’s already been twelve other Jennifers this week”.

There were at least ten Jennifers in my grade growing up so to be different we all had nicknames.

The first ones were JT or Jen T. Then there was junior high where I was SuperTube and TubeSocks on the co-ed volleyball team. Then in high school I was Flo for a bit then I started working restaurants which led to TubeSwing and eventually just Tubes. Tubes stuck with me all through my Outback years… actually, some people didn’t even know my real name.

After Outback I was just Jen… then I had a stint in the virtual world as Ketura... and now I’m Nutscraps or Scraps.

My sister thinks it’s really strange. She doesn’t understand why we don’t just call each other by our names. She doesn’t have nicknames and none of her friends do either.

Why do some people have nicknames and others don’t?

Is it because I am a part of a fantastic-creative-free-living-spirited-left-brained bunch and my sister is a financial analyst (square)?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Everybody’s got demons, right?

I mean, those things that no matter what good things are going on in your life… even when most everything in your life is going good… those things that get you down, and it seems like no one can make it better?

I’ve been dealing with some demons… my very own demons.

Lots of great things have been going on. SHD and I celebrated a wonderful anniversary weekend, we’ve gone out and done fun things, we’re planning our next trip to Las Vegas next January, we’ve been spending time with our great circle of friends, I’m compiling a list of all the songs that make me feel good, I mean - I could go on and on.

I’ve been having a lot of fun!

And still, I find it hard to get out of bed each morning. Not because I dread the day to come… I’d just rather sleep.

I’m just so tired.

I can tell you though… I’m SUPER excited that it’s Fall once again. Fall is my all-time favorite season. I looooove Fall.

I’m getting ready for some quality hammock lounging time with my honey.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

I love checking out the entertainment section on I'll admit I find celebrities and their lives just that... entertaining. They chose that life for themselves, if there weren't people like me, they wouldn't be popular, right?

Enough already with Tom Cruise being in the media!

The next Howard Hughes? Pft! He’s a fruitcake yes; do I think he’s fruity? Who cares?

The latest news reads something about someone publishing a book with a chapter revealing him and his gay lifestyle… as long as you’re not Katie Holmes, why do we care? If he’s gay, great! If he’s not, great! It’s none of our business!

And all the hype about their baby? People actually speculating that there wasn’t a baby? Geez people! I’m sure Katie walked around looking like a continent just for show, right? If I was her, I’d be afraid to show my baby… people are crazy. I mean, Rosie O’Donnell didn’t show pictures of her kids for like years!!! There was no, “where’s Parker” hype.

Let’s move on… let’s leave them alone. I’m so over them… as should everybody else.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I'm getting all giddy inside...

Saturday, SHD and I celebrate the one year anniversary from our first date...

I remember it like it was yesterday. *sigh*

We went for drinks on the 14th, our first date was on the 16th, I knew I was in love on the 19th.

I think September is a good month for me.

We decided to get a suite at Ameristar on Sunday (to save some $) night, eat dinner at Bugatti's and drink lots of wine... I'm sure there will be some gambling... Ameristar, please be as kind as the Isle of Capri.

Career Dilemmas...

It’s no secret that I’m looking for a new job. I’ve been looking since January. I sent out probably 100 resumes and I’ve only had two interviews (one resulted in a second interview).

I’ve been told by my father that I’m “doing the same thing again and expecting a different result” which is the recipe for insanity. I think that’s a quote by someone dead and famous, but I don’t know who.

I don’t like my job being an admin… yet I keep applying for admin positions. What exactly am I looking for? I still have no idea what I really want to do, and believe me, I’m not being lazy and just going along with the daily grind. I’ve really thought about this. And yet I still don’t know.

I’m debating a few things right now…

I could apply to be a Police 911 dispatcher… I knew a guy (who’s now a KCK police officer) who told the greatest stories of being a dispatcher while in high school. I think I might like that.

Also, here at the hospital, they’ve offered to pay for classes to become a certified coder. It would be a year of schooling (online) and I would be required to work at the hospital for one full year after completion of the classes (or pay back the fees)… I would audit patient accounts and make sure they are coded (charged) correctly. There is high demand for coders... and it's possible that down the line I could telecommute... which I think I would love. It's using numbers and looking at charts and symbols and technical stuff... not really a social job, I know.

Since I don’t know what I want to do… it seems that someone offering to pay for me to learn something new sounds like a smart move. Knowledge is power, right?

I know I don’t like what I’m doing now, but will I like doing what I’m doing here somewhere else?

Monday, September 11, 2006

Just a few Scraps…

This weekend was pretty mellow. SHD is sick with the sore throat/now hurty coughing sickness. He rested and I boosted my immune system all weekend long.

The little girl came over on Saturday evening… the moment I opened the door, she said, “I’m sorry for what happened last week”.

I took the opportunity to have a talk with her then let her play with the dogs. The biggest challenge was getting Lucy to go outside with us… she’s really hesitant to be around the Little Girl. I explained that Lucy’s feelings were really hurt and she’s afraid that LG might hit her again. I told her that if she did hit her again, I’m afraid that Lucy would bite her. I made LG promise that she would never hit Lucy again, and she did. I also told her, that because Lucy needs to trust her again, I needed to be outside with her if she is in the yard.

So, situation over (hopefully) and I no longer have to worry about it. Oh, and I really don’t hate kids, really… I was having a manic week when that all happened and was a little clouded to see beyond my own little space. She’s not going to grow up to be a serial killer. She’s just a little girl who made a mistake… as long as she doesn’t do it again, we’re all good.

Sunday was my last weekend shift at the pet store. I’m just so tired of shuffling everything around to manage it. Hopefully now, I’ll feel more relaxed and able to stop multi-tasking my personal life. This is a good thing. My last shift is this Thursday.

Does anyone else feel this way about post-its? I was a little bummed this morning. I used my very last pink post-it. I love colored (not yellow) post-its; actually, I love the pink and like the green ones. But we are out of colored post-its, so I must use the yellow ones. Ugh...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

No title today, just getting by...

I’m tired. That’s my excuse, my excuse for being MIA… cause it’s not like I don’t have plenty to talk about.

SHD and I had a super busy but super fun Labor Day weekend.

First and foremost… you are reading the words of the luckiest girl in the world (at least last Friday evening at the Isle of Capri casino, that is). We’d never been to the Isle and were celebrating with friends…

I’m not a high stakes gambler, actually it makes me a little sick to lose my money, so I play the video slot machines… in the penny denomination. Even while playing penny slots, I’m still quite conservative. I’ll play 10 or 15 lines, but I only bet one penny per line… that’s just the way I roll (er… spin).

After losing $10 on a silly Taxi slot, I sat down at the Enchanted Unicorn, next to SHD on a Kenny Rogers slot. I played down to about $4 when I hit 3 WILD ENCHANTED UNICORNS!!! What does this mean? It means that the nine middle squares all turned WILD and I won 67400 pennies!!! I won $674.00 on a 15 cent spin!

It was cool… I was a little overwhelmed, and had to call my Mom, but all was good. I bought a few rounds of drinks and left with about $650 in my pocket. That, my friends, just paid the sales tax on my new car.

After almost killing my dear Beagle, Sammy on Saturday (I have a horrible burn on my foot from his lead in the yard), we packed up the new Element in our little family and headed East (ask SHD about the headache on the drive, hee hee)… en route to Rocheport, specifically Les Bourgeois winery. We checked in our bags, met up with friends (B and E) at the Days’ Inn in Columbia and headed to the A Frame, a great outdoors place that overlooks the Missouri River Valley. It was so nice. The weather was perfect, the food was great and the friends and conversation were fantastic. We had an absolutely amazing time. I know we'll plan another trip out there this Fall.

After about five hours, approximately six bottles of wine and many drunken pictures on the way up to the parking lot, we taxi’d it back to the Days’ Inn… and it was only 9:30pm! After a few minutes of conversation, this Scraps passed out cold.

We woke up on Sunday morning about 8:30am to have time to search for an IHOP (no laughing!) and ended up at a Country Kitchen just off the highway. I was H-U-N-G-O-VE-R, yes, in all caps, spaced out like that and in green. I was the only one who was hungover! I swear, it wasn’t fair. SHD was dancing a little jig around me in the hotel room, just the movement alone was almost enough to make me hurl. Our day had just begun… I knew it was going to be a long… albeit fun, one.

The drive home was just darn painful. I felt like I was dying… and SHD was in the passenger’s seat lounging it up, even yawning some... I hit him a few times.

Once home, I napped for about 30 minutes, then it was off to L and St.’s house for a quick appearance at their BBQ. I was so happy to meet L’s Mom, she really seemed great. I wish I had been in better spirits, I’m sure I could have chatted her ear off. And I wish I could have been there for the encounter with the neighbors... fucking weirdos.

Just as soon as we’d arrived, it seemed we were leaving (which made me a little sad), this time I made SHD drive, we were headed north to Platte City for SHD’s Dad’s birthday gathering. I really enjoy getting together with my boyfriend’s family… they really are really great. After a few sips of a Bloody Mary (I think K suggested this at the BBQ) the headache was better and I was back in the game… at least a little more in the game.

Monday was a day of healing… I slept in, mowed the lawn and watched the Law and Order, SVU marathon on TNT.

Tuesday I put my two weeks (minus one day) in at the pet store… it’s just taking too much time away from other things that are important to me… I will be missing that extra paycheck every two weeks though.

If you’ve read this… you’re either overly interested in the daily dealing of good ole’ Nutscraps, or you’re really bored. Either way is good for me.

So, I still feel like I’m recovering. But, just so you know, if you ever need a gift idea for me… I LOVE Fleur De Vin from Les Bourgeois. Support your local wineries! I do... now.

Friday, September 01, 2006

My new friend... Roger.

Look to the right and meet Roger.

When you scroll over the image, you will see a red arrow. Click the arrow in the water and Roger will go for a swim. Awww. ;)

Also, he will look towards the red arrow.

Yeah, I know I'm a dork.

Have a great holiday weekend... I'm stoked, I actually get Monday off!

Thanks Dad, I love the email...

This is an email I just received from my Father... God, I love him.


My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of Iraq regime has been completed. Since Congress does not want to spend any more money on this war, our mission in Iraq is complete.

This morning I gave the order for a complete removal of all American forces from Iraq . This action will be complete within 30 days. It is now to begin the reckoning.

Before me, I have two lists. One list contains the names ofcountries which have stood by our side during the Iraq conflict.This list is short. The United Kingdom , Spain , Bulgaria , Australia , and Poland are some of the countries listed there.

The other list contains everyone not on the first list. Most of the world's nations are on that list. My press secretary will be distributing copies of both lists later this evening.

Let me start by saying that effective immediately, foreign aid to those nations on List 2 ceases immediately and indefinitely. The money saved during the first year alone will pretty much pay for the costs of the Iraqi war.

The American people are no longer going to pour money into third world Hell-holes and watch those government leaders grow fat on corruption. Need help with a famine? Wrestling with an epidemic? Call France.

In the future, together with Congress, I will work to redirect this money toward solving the vexing social problems we still have at home. On that note, a word to terrorist organizations. Screw with us and we will hunt you down and eliminate you and all your friends from the face of the earth. Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize? Try France, or maybe China.

I am ordering the immediate severing of diplomatic relations with France, Germany, and Russia. Thanks for all your help, comrades. We are retiring from NATO as well. Bon chance, mes amis.

I have instructed the Mayor of New York City to begin towing the many UN diplomatic vehicles located in Manhattan with more than two unpaid parking tickets to sites where those vehicles will be stripped, shredded and crushed. I don't care about whatever treaty pertains to this. You creeps have tens of thousands of unpaid tickets. Pay those tickets tomorrow or watch your precious Benzes, Beamers and limos be turned over to some of the finest chop shops in the world. I love New York!

A special note to our neighbors. Canada is on List 2. Since we are likely to be seeing a lot more of each other, you folks might want to try not pissing us off for a change. Mexico is also on List 2. President Fox and his entire corrupt government really need an attitude adjustment. I will have a couple extra tank and infantry divisions sitting around. Guess where I am going to put em? Yep, border security. So start doing something with your oil.

Oh, by the way, the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty - starting now. We are tired of the one-way highway. Immediately, we'll be drilling for oil in Alaska - which will take care of this country's oil needs for decades to come. If you're an environmentalist who opposes this decision, I refer you to List 2 above: pick a country and move there. They care.

It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens. Some will accuse us of isolationism. I answer them by saying, "darn tootin." Nearly a century of trying to help folks live a decent life around the world has only earned us the undying enmity of just about everyone on the planet. It is time to eliminate hunger in America . It is time to eliminate homelessness in America . It is time to eliminate World Cup Soccer from America . To the nations on List 1, a final thought. Thanks guys. We owe you and we won't forget. To the nations on List 2, a final thought: You might want to learn to speak Arabic.

God bless America . Thank you and good night. If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

If only...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's a good thing...

I'm seeing my therapist tomorrow...

OK... I'm not going to give her my letter...

I have to realize that I'm not the only person living in my house... and I cannot speak for everyone.

I need to go over and have a conversation with Little Girl's Mom... I don't want to (I HATE confrontation), but I'm going to.

Little Girl will be allowed in my yard... just as long as I'm there to supervise.

Fuck... I hate children.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And the letter will be delivered tonight...

*Little Girl's Mom,

First, I would like to thank *Little Girl (LG for short) for drawing me the nice picture and for the flowers she picked for me when I was feeling ill last Tuesday. I really like LG and have enjoyed getting to know her. It think it was a very nice and thoughtful thing for her to do.

Unfortunately something happened before that, that I think you should be aware of.

LG came over to our house and asked to play with Lucy and Sammy; she stayed for about a half an hour. From inside the house, I saw her throwing sticks and rocks from our yard at our other neighbor’s dogs. I was about to go outside and ask her to stop but she stopped on her own. I don’t think it is ever a good idea to throw things at a dog.

A few minutes after witnessing this, I walked past the front windows to see LG, with both hands on Lucy’s collar, trying to pull Lucy across the front yard. Lucy did not want to go wherever it was that LG was heading and was making it a struggle. The next thing I saw was very disturbing to me. With one hand holding Lucy’s collar, LG hit Lucy in the face, twice. I was shocked. I immediately went outside and told LG that she was never to hit Lucy again and then I brought the dogs inside.

I wished I would have come over and talked to you right then, but I was very ill and just wanted my dogs out of a physically abusive situation. I am very disappointed in LG; I trusted her to behave appropriately with my dogs without my supervision. We never physically correct our dog’s behavior and from my point of view, the only thing Lucy did ‘wrong’ was not follow LG's demands.

I’m sorry to say that LG is not allowed to come into our yard to play with our dogs again.

My dogs are like my children and it is my responsibility to protect them. I’m positive this situation would not have occurred if I had been in the yard, which saddens me.

I am not coming to you to get LG in trouble, but for the safety and well being of all involved. I believe that treating animals kindly and with respect is a valuable lesson learned.

Please feel free to call me if you wish to discuss this further. I can be reach on my cell phone at anytime, 816-***-****.

Sincerely Yours,

After talking with my gal pal St., and not seeing Little Girl's Mom without company, I decided to write her a letter. This is a plus, because not only will I be purchasing a no trespassing sign for our gate, I have a document that proves they were told that LG shoudln't be on our property.

Let me know what you think!

Impossible to be unhappy pics...

Puppies... and other cute things... make everything better.

Now I go get a cut and color ... another thing that makes everything better, a new hair do!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The redundancy is getting old...

I am a nice person.

I don’t know why I have to keep repeating my self this simple fact.

Why? OK, I’ll analyze this.

I don’t know why it is that some people feel the need to talk down to you… because they are a) having a bad day; b) unhappy with their job; c) so unbelievably nasty and bitchy in their own lives that they want to take everybody else down with them.

I work with a woman who is psychotic. And I’m seriously about to lose my temper.

I’m a pretty intelligent person. I am an assistant. I guess I need to define what an assistant does and does not do…

I will make this a shortened/condensed version.

An assistant will DO the following:
Make copies
Answer phones
Compose drafts of letters, emails and memos
Schedule meetings and maintain calendars

An assistant will NOT DO the following:
Pretend to read your mind
Take the heat when you don’t do your job
Take your crap when things aren’t done because you don’t do your job
Allow you to:
Talk down to me
Belittle me
Act condescendingly towards me
Be flippant without the expectation for retaliation

I am a professional. I do not need someone to hold my hand. I expect to be treated with the same amount of professionalism that I give. Just let me do my job.

You don’t get respect until you give it, you crazy psycho bitch. I hate you.

Again, I am a nice person… I’m going to go cry now.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I need a little help...

First I want to thank you guys for your comments regarding the "incident" last week. I am feeling much calmer regarding the subject and have taken your comments to heart. I won't be the mean lady who yells at little kids and never talks to them again...

Second... I need some advice.

In about two weeks, SHD and I will be celebrating one year of togetherness... I'm really excited.

At the same time, I'm terrified because I don't know what to get him. What do you get for a man who gets what he wants himself? I've been think of this for a few weeks... and I need help.

Plus, it's been YEARS since I've celebrated a one year anniversary... I don't even remember what kind of gift is appropriate.

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Back to Rational Scraps...

So, I’ve had time to think rationally about what happened in my yard on Tuesday.

I’m pretty damn lucky Lucy didn’t bite that little girl.

I’ll admit that I’m having concerns for the little girl who beats up on animals when she thinks no one is watching.

I’m thinking of having a conversation with the girl’s Mom. Not to tell her that I think her daughter is going to grow up to be a serial murderer… but to let her know why I think it’s a bad idea for her daughter to play with Lucy now.

Lucy is a shy Golden Retriever. I’m not sure if my ex did something to her… she’s very nervous around new people… especially men. I am lead to assume that a man in her life at some point did something to make her leery. She went a little bonkers (with scary teeth and snarly noises) on me once and once on SHD… she doesn’t do well in situations when she feels cornered… but who does (said a little in her defense)?

It is never good to growl and bite at someone… but in the end… she’s an animal… that will protect herself if she feels threatened. That fact cannot be changed.

My job as a responsible pet owner is to keep my pets safe and those around them safe. If that means that the next door neighbor needs to find another way to entertain her daughter… I guess that’s her issue.

* Thanks for the comment, Annon... I appreciate a parent's point of view.

Oh! I saw this while surfing today... I think it's kinda cool... in a rave'y' sort of way (I'm not really a rave attending kind of gal... but I still think it's cool).

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Taking Tme to Smell the Roses... or Something...

What is it with smelly things?

I am usually very alert of scents. I hate mint. Pepermint makes me queasy, seriously. It’s not that I just don’t like the smell… I have a reaction to it… it makes me sweat, I start to burp (twice if I’m actually going to vomit) and then the big heave-ho. Usually the scent isn’t too strong (I can open a window or something), so I haven’t suffered the embarrassment due to Altoids… yet... but I have been very close.

I also am one of those people who at just the hint of someone else’s vomit, blow chunks too. Combine the hint of smell with the sound of someone hurling (I hate dry heaving noises) and it’s all over… twice the damage… guaranteed.

I guess it’s best I decided not to become a nurse (or a Mom).

So my two examples above indicate that good (to some) or bad (to most) smells effect me.

I want to know why my dog, Lucy, likes to roll around in the most horrible, gag reflexing smells she can find. I used to think it was poo… but this morning there was no poo residue on her neck… it was wet, and it smell gawd awful. Doesn't it make her want to gag? It's like she's proud when she trots into the house!

I used three doggie wipes (the bath kind, originally bought for this purpose) and I think I got her pretty good… but whatever she is rolling in smells… B..A..D..!!! Those doggie wipes are good, but don’t get it all. Guess it’s time to make an appointment for Lucy’s next day of beauty (did I mention that Lucy got haircut #2 for the summer, done by me, and she looks great? She looks just like Nala (if I have to explain who that is, you just won't get it)).

I wonder if she did this because of the abusive next door neighbor??? Trying to take some of the control back in her yard???

(yeah, probably not… but I thought it was funny)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

99% of the time I'm really nice...

Often I make fun of people… it’s sad, I know… but I can’t help myself sometimes, OK a lot of times, OK I can’t control myself at all… OK, OK, I make fun of people all the time.

If I have ever made fun of anyone for not handling pain well, specifically back pain… I am truly sorry.

Back pain is nothing to be taken lightly or to laugh at… I now know this… seriously, as I am in pain, big-fat-real-hard-to-deal-with, pain. There is no relief, no position to sit/stand/lie in to ease the pain. Hell, the narcotics I’m taking are completely worthless, I might as well be taking tic tacs… then I wouldn’t be building a tolerance to aforementioned useless prescriptions.

And when you ignore your dogs (well, specifically a little black and white one who wants to go outside) and you don't really realize it because you’re passed out on the couch in a muscle relaxer coma… they hike their leg and pee all over the floor. Rage… rage makes the pain subside just long enough to kick the pee-er out the door, but then it (the pain) returns.

Side note: the dogs had been let out of the house 3 hours before the peeing incident occurred… he can hold it longer than 3 hours dammit.

I think I’ve uncovered something… Rage works… like when I looked out the window and saw the little neighbor shit (aka. 7 year old neighbor girl) pulling/trying to drag Lucy by the collar, then hit in the face TWICE… because apparently Lucy wasn’t doing exactly what she wanted.

Wait! That little shit just hit my dog!!! In the face!!!

I immediately went outside and told the little shit, “NEVER hit Lucy EVER again… it’s time for you to go home” and I let the dogs into the house. Apparently she felt bad enough to leave some lilies she picked on our porch with a picture she drew for me, saying that she hopes I feel better soon. That made me feel a little guilty… I mean, who wants to be the nasty lady next door? But I swear… if she hits one of my dogs again…

Lucy’s not used to being treated that way… What if Lucy had bit her? I’m sure it would be deemed the dog’s fault (I can just hear the headlines now... "Golden Retriever Goes Wild on Small Child"). I mean, if I were put in that situation (as the dog)… I’d be like, “Whoa bitch, you’re in my yard… we play by my rulesI’m gonna bite you in the ass”!

I won’t have her in my yard alone with either of our dogs again… hell, she’s never welcome back as far as I’m concerned… You must remember, I don’t want kids, I don’t really like them either… especially the 7 year old kind.

NO ONE has the right to come into your yard and knock around your dogs… right?

Monday, August 21, 2006

Not just casual Fridays...

...which I don't get either.

Does anyone get paid to go to college? I'm not meaning, schooling to get a good job and get paid kind of thing... but actually get paid to go to class? Oh, and... get paid good money?

I need to figure out what kind of job I should get to be able to dress in jeans, t-shirts and the shoes of my choosing… every day.

I drive through the UMKC campus on my morning drive to work. School is back in session and there were hordes of college students walking to class. There were all sorts of them… some dressed in the newest, cutest, trendiest skirts and heels (which I think is silly - walking around campus in such unreasonable shoes... ) and some in sweat pants and tennis shoes. I was jealous of the girls in jeans and t-shirts.

Who says that dress clothes make you more professional? I guarantee that I am more productive when I am comfortable and think I look good. Most times I don’t think I look good in the “dress” clothes I have to wear to work… I agonize at the closet every morning and usually hate what I decide on. I think it would be good for my mental health to skip this morning ritual. I have those few staples that I end up buying one in every color… but even that gets old.

I want to wear jeans, t-shirts and flip flops or tennis shoes… whatever I feel fits my mood best… each day. Don’t get me wrong, I want a job, one that challenges me… I’m not asking to sit at home everyday.

I just wanna wear jeans. I don’t think that’s asking too much.

In other news… I’ve let go of something I held onto a little too long. No, I'm not going to go into detail... I didn’t even realize it. I’m not bitter any more. And it makes me feel good.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

She’s just like a squirrel…

I’ve talked about her many times… the uncomfortable conversations about adultery (hers not mine), waxing practices and intestinal issues…

If it’s not the whispering across the hall… it’s the MUNCHING noises from across this very small room they call my ‘office’. She eats all the time.

munching whispersmunchingwhispersmunchingwhispersmunching

Maybe SHD and I shouldn’t have finished both of the celebratory bottles of champagne last night… all my car business made me skip dinner.

Ok... So I'm Not Really Naming It...

But... here she is.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I'll Call Her Eleanor... Ellie for Short

I'm car shopping... kinda freaked out by the whole ordeal... kinda invigorated that I'm doing something pretty big, by myself, for the first time.

I found a 2003 Honda Element, black with tinted windows, CD/MP3, keyless entry, 28k miles, lots of fixin's... all for only $13,998. I thought I had found the perfect vehicle.

The catch you ask?

Besides being located in Chicago (they's ship it here formereear $150), there's no factory installed air conditioner. WTF? Who makes a car that doesn't come with air conditioning? I'm only getting a new car because my car's air went out and then started going to shit, so no air is definitely a stopping point... Next Please!

BUT... the good thing this car gave me... it gave me a bargaining tool. Online there is a car with low mileage, 'cool' features (pun intended) and pretty low cost. So I've been calling the few car dealers here in town asking if they can beat this deal I have set up in Chicago.

Two of the three I've called have told me they will beat my deal. YESSS! One point for me. I'm a negotiating fool!

Now, the hard part will be - knowing when to walk away. I know that I don't have to buy these cars. If they don't give me the deal they have worked out over the phone... I'm going to the next dealership.

I'm going to have a late evening tonight.

If I bring an Element home soon... I think I'll call her Eleanor... Ellie for short.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Major Grindeage…

More car drama… if there are any really super nice and honest mechanics out there that would like to help a gal out… let me know!!!

Grinding… major grinding… when I start my car.

Now it’s the bearings going out of: A) the compressor or B) the water pump (please don’t let it be the water pump).

I hear that the dealership will take my trade-in based on year and mileage… they won’t worry too much about the other stuff… I think I need to take it in before things get any worse. Does this sound right? I need advice.

I may be buying a car tomorrow night… normally this would be a really cool and good thing. But I wish I’d brought my Zanax to work today… my anxiety right now is through the roof… I just need to breath deeply and let it go.

Monday, August 14, 2006

What a great weekend!

I’m sad to be back at work… but that’s life, right?

Friday night SHD and I had dinner with new friends we met at the wedding the boyfriend was in a few weeks ago. We went to Genghis Khan and drank some beer.

Genghis Khan was pretty good. I love Mongolian BBQ so I was excited to go. They have fantastic tofu there. I wish they would have had teriyaki sauce; I’m not one to experiment much when it comes to my food, so I like to stick with basics. I used soy sauce and sugar water… there wasn’t enough sweet… so it was kind of like eating a saltlick. But the tofu was fantastic, fried perfectly, nice and squishy… not mushy. They need to stop offering the white pepper. Every time someone would use the white pepper, the entire restaurant (it seemed) would either start coughing or sneezing. I was doing both. I’m not sure it was the white pepper, but every so often, I would get choked up and not be able to keep talking. The beer was cold and the company was great… I’d go again, but I want to sit by the door and be a little more open to different sauce variations.

Saturday was spent shopping. Shopping for a bedspread, side tables, lamps and fabric for curtains for the bedroom. Since our bedroom is the attic of the house, there are eaves on both the south and north walls. Also, since the closets are practically non-existant we’ve decided to convert the south wall into a closet that spans the length of the room. You can’t really have doors on this setup, so I’m making curtains. They are going to be fantastic. I’ll post some pics once we are finished… I’m working on curtains tonight. I’m excited.

I LOVE doing crafty things! And I'm glad that we were able to agree on colors for everything... it was great. We had lots of fun hanging out.

Sunday evening was spent bowling with some of the Waldo A-Holes. I played MUCH better than I remember playing in recent years... Game #1-134... I slipped on game #2-84... Game # 3-139. I actually beat SHD on game #3... and some say he's a very good bowler. I just love Waldo...

I’m agonizing over this whole car thing… I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to pay to fix the a/c… there’s a new grinding sound which can’t be good… and I'm not looking forward to the scheduled maintenance at 100,000 miles... but I don’t want to buy a car with a big car payment either. I don’t think I want another used Civic. I love my car, but if I get a different car, I want a different car, you know?

I don’t know what kind I want either… I’d like to get an Element like SHD and St… I love the Elements… I just don’t know if I can find one cheap enough.

I hate making decisions like this. Ugh.

I got The Essential, 2 disc Johnny Cash set this weekend... I've not been listening to anything else since. If I had a son... I'd name him Sally too...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Not Really Into It Today...

I'm not much into talking... I gave blood this morning and have been a little puny since.

I wish...

I wish I was with my puppy... right now...

This is Lucy... when she was a baby.

This is Lucy fall 2004 on her first trip to the Shawnee Mission dog park. Don't tell her I told you - she was hiding in the trees because she was scared of the water.

She's such a smiley girl...

I need to post some picks of both her and Sammy... I'm so bad at downloading pics from my computer.

Here's just a few more puppy pics that make me happy.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Today Has the Beginnings of a Super Great Day...

I got out of bed after only pushing snooze… once.
I went to the gym and exercised my butt off (hopefully to be a littler butt soon).
I didn’t break a sweat on the drive into work (see air conditioning drama).
I got to work early.
I didn’t fight with one of my co-workers (crazy menopausal bitch) first thing in the morning (she loves to ruin my mornings… first thing even!).
I’ve signed up to donate blood tomorrow mid-morning… they are out of my kind and need it.
I’m listening to my favorite movie soundtrack (Garden State) off of my iPod.

I’m going someplace good for lunch today… not sure where yet…
It’s PAYDAY!!!

AND… I’m going to knitting tonight!

Day’s Doin’s: 25 minutes on the elliptical… burned 266 calories (according to the machine)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Linksville... in the Afternoon

I just fell in love with a new-found website.

I’m a crafter… actually I’d love to have more time to be a crafter (anyone else agree?). SHD is finding out just how much crafting supplies I’ve hidden (not really hidden, just not displayed in one place) now that we’re cleaning out the second bedroom.

I knit, I crochet, and I sewed some curtains for a bookshelf in the dining room. I don’t get to knit enough, although I’ve vowed to start going to the knitting group functions again as often as physically possible… it’s ME time, right?

Now I want to quilt. I want to make fabulous quilts like She’s so talented at putting the different patterns/coordinating colors together… she’s a gem.

And I’ve found the perfect online fabric store – I think I’ll ask for fabric for Christmas this year. I’m so bad coming up with good ideas for gifts (I am part of a family that asks for lists… so hard!). This way, I’ll get the tools (or fabric) to make my magnificent quilt… and only need to find the time to actually do it.

I’d LOVE to make a quilt for our bed. Right now we have an incredible quilt SHD’s Grandmother made… it’s wearing out and we don’t want to see it destroyed. Now, if only getting the boyfriend to help me choose fabric… I’m still thinking in blues.

I'm Gonna Be a Gym Rat...

I got up early today and started my day off right with a trip to the gym. I’ve mentioned my Couch to 5K running program before… I’m trying to finally get on the bandwagon and actually DO it. This morning I did a run/walk for 30 minutes. I’m doing 1 ½ minute intervals (1 ½ minutes of jogging and then 1 ½ minutes of walking after a 5 minute warm up brisk walk) and I’m feeling pretty good today. It's harder than you think... I'm not a runner and I never have been. I faked asthma in Jr. High so I wouldn't have to run the mile... I think we were only required to do it once... and I didn't. My feet are a little tender, but SHD says that is to be expected. He doesn’t think I can do this… I’m going to prove him wrong (I think he has that silly guy mentality, if I tell her she can't she will... it just doesn't work that way).

I have to make exercising a priority… no else will. It’s so hard to go to the gym after work… and you have to go right after work because you can’t eat dinner then expect to go running right? So I have to start getting up earlier… I can do it.

So, I’ll try to keep a running (pun intended) log of what exercise I’ve done for the day at the bottom of my posts… get on me if you see me slackin’!

Day's Doin's: 30 minutes, 5 min. warm up, 1 1/2 minute run/walk intervals

Monday, August 07, 2006

Moment to Moment Update...

So, I think I'll just not get the air conditioning fixed... for now.

I don't have $1000 for the air conditioning and I'm even thinking that the new tattoo are going to have to wait.

I think I want a Yaris. New cars don't have problems right? And if they do, they're covered under a warranty.
I might be car shopping in a few days... or wait until winter when no one will know that the air conditioner is broken (sorry Toasty).

Air Conditioning Drama...

So on the way out to the Demolitian Derby on Saturday night... the air conditioning in my car went out.

This makes me sad.

I've called two places now... it's going to cost me $1000 to get it fixed.

This makes me want to cray... as I don't have $1000.

Be prepared to see a very irritable NutScraps... and a very warm one.

I'm Home Base...

You remember when you were a kid and playing with friends in the neighborhood and there was always that one person in Tag who was "home base" and they were "safe"? That person when you were touching them no one could tag you IT?

I'm Home Base... in my office.

I'm the place where people come to gossip about everyone else, and while there, they ask me what is going on with everyone else.

I'm in an interesting position... I have the upper hand.

I play dumb, "gee, I didn't know that was going on" and get to see their reaction... then they tell me thier version. I love to see the different sides of drama.

The trick is that I'm good at not mentioning the snich in conversations with the subject of the latest "rift" and hear the story again from their point of view.

Things have quieted down a lot in the last month... the drama is settling but now that my boss is out of town this week... the trolls are coming for information.

I'm getting really good at this clueless look. I am enjoying them scramble for information like little mice for a cookie. Isn't it weird how we all think that everyone needs to like us? I think that's what it all boils down too.

Just remember... if someone will gossip to you about someone else, what makes you so special that they won't gossip about you to someone else.

I wonder what they're saying about me...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fashion Faux Paus???

I'm not a fashion diva... surprise, surprise... I like to be comfortable. I don't buy what's trendy... unless it comes in the t-shirt variety... in fact, SHD says I look my best when I'm in a t-shirt and jeans... probably because that's when I'm most comfortable with myself (see me in a suit and you'd think I was a stuffed penguin, well, probably not but at least that's how I feel in them).

So, on my quest to be comfortable... and that I work in a hospital, the gals are trying to talk me into investing in CROCS. My first reaction is, EWWW... but are they comfortable?

Would I sacrifice the EWWW factor for comfort?

What do you think? Give it to me.

They even come in pink!

Who Wants a Gay Elvis Teddy Bear Anyway?

When you have pets… or dogs that inhibit you from purchasing the bedding of your choosing (of course I wouldn’t be speaking from personal experience about a Beagle who "kills" anything with stuffing - as that would make me appear to be bitter)... you realize that they must be monitored AT ALL TIMES. Or carnage ensues…

I feel no sympathy for the people in the teddy bear museum… I mean, what dog wouldn’t jump at the chance to eat a stuffin’.

And… why would anyone need a teddy bear collection watched by guards and dogs?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I was raised in Independence...

I was raised in Independence and lived there my 27 years until just last November I moved to Kansas City with SHD. I think Independence is a pretty OK place to live. I know that we were the Meth Capitol of the United States back in 1996 and I realize that if you drive down Truman Road or 24 Highway you might think Independence is a little seedy... but I think every city is going to have some rough areas.

I was pretty shocked to hear about the snuff killing that happened a few months back. I'd love to be naive and think that those things only happen in "other" places. I just ran across this AD on Craig's List.

I know a lot of people who know nothing about Craig's List in Kansas City... and these people don't really remind me of people who would be computer savy...

I'm sure they are good people... I mean, they were only teasing when they raped, tortured and killed that woman... in front of a video camera. It was all the press, showing them in a bad light, right?

I think they need a little more than spiritual advising... they pretty much have a reserved seat in hell.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Am I a Good Person?

Note to anyone who forwards emails to me…

Please do NOT send me “meaningful” messages with the following attached.

“We all send thousands of jokes through the e-mail without a second thought, but when it comes to sending messages about life choices, people think twice about sharing. The crude, vulgar, and often obscene pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion about decency is too often suppressed in our schools and workplaces.

If you're thinking about forwarding this message, chances are that you're probably sorting out the people on your address list that aren't the "appropriate" ones to receive this type of message. Well, the person who sent you this believes that we all can make a difference. We all have thousands of opportunities every single day to help realize the "natural order of things." So many seemingly trivial interactions between two people present us with a choice: Do we pass along a little spark of love and humanity or do we pass up that opportunity to brighten the day of those with us the least able, and leave the world a little bit colder in the process?”

I promise you… I will delete it.

I rarely forward “cute/meaningful/touching/amusing” emails to my friends or family… but I’ll tell you one thing, I will not be guilt-ed (sp) into sending crap like this out.

Isn’t it weird that the only people who really send me this stuff are people I work with? Is that really appropriate for the office? I know… stop laughing, nothing done in my office seems to be appropriate.

Anyone else agree?

Do you have crazy parents?

My Dad got his first tattoo over the weekend... actually he got two.

He got his first Harley in 2003, so of course he needed a Harley tattoo... being a big bad biker and all.

But before getting his Harley tattoo... he got one with heartfelt meaning.

My Dad now has a big red heart with a C and a J on each side (initials of my first name and my sister's) on his arm.

I've yet to see it... I think I'm still in shock.

What a great/crazy Dad I have.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I want...


Wouldn't that be cool!?!

I Like to Describe Myself as “Colorful”...

I’ll admit that I over react on a regular basis, I tend to exaggerate and I take everything personally (even when it’s just business). It’s why I can tell great stories… and why I always have a story to tell. But if you’re having a bad day, I don’t feel the need to share why my day is crappier… I know it’s not all about me... well, not all the time.

I don’t think I live in crisis mode.

I’m generally happy; I’m laid back and enjoy going with the flow. I don’t like to be rushed (like when you’re getting ready to leave the house), but who does?

At times in my life I’ve found it difficult to avoid drama. I had friends who lived with lots of drama… luckily I’ve realized that their problems don’t have to be my problems and I don’t see or talk to those friends any longer.

We are given one of the greatest gifts… choice.

I have the choice of who I hang around with. I have the choice of what I do everyday. I have the choice to eat whatever I want, drink whatever I want and say whatever I feel. I am truly one lucky girl.

My office buddy has been living in crisis mode for the last 2 weeks (since returning from surgery that removed all her female "bits"). I work in a department that enforces rules… when people break those rules, we have to find out why things played out as they did and if possible fix the problem and educate those involved so that the issue doesn’t happen again.

The rules that are broken do not mean life or death. There will always be new instances where rules are broken… if there wasn’t… we wouldn’t have jobs. I want to tell her to shut up. Each person she talks to, she talks about “Pandora’s Box” opening in her lap and how stressed out she is. I have a little piece of advice for her… get a new job. I think we’d all be a little happier then.

Oh, and I don’t want to hear about your boyfriend anymore… or his twelfth wife or his sixteen kids (this makes him sound like white trash… have you not noticed this?), or your weight loss surgery (did it work any?), or your personal waxing habits (Ewwww...), or your adventures at Ray’s Play Pen… do you ever talk about appropriate workplace things?

I know this is all old news, but it doesn't seem to be easing up any. Anyway… I’m choosing to get over this… right now.

This weekend is going to fly by… tonight wedding rehearsal dinner (for an old friend of SHD… I have no idea who these people are), tomorrow wedding and reception, then working at the pet store and more painting…

Oh! The bedroom is done! Now to get started on the spare bedroom… then ALL OF THE PAINTING WILL BE DONE!!! Bwhahahah…. I wonder what the next project will be?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm Gonna Get All Wet...

I left the windows down on my car this morning...

I just heard that it's been raining ALL DAY.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I just want what is rightfully mine…

Last night some of the Waldo A$$holes met and went to the Royals game. They kicked the Orioles’ butts and that was fun… but I have a beef with the Royals.

My beef isn’t directly with the players, coaches or even the bat boy. My beef is with the fockers who said that the first 20,000 people get Monarchs t-shirts. I didn’t get a t-shirt last night… and there were only 18,500 in attendance. I was one of the 1,500 who got screwed.

I want my t-shirt dammit! The t-shirt is the reason I wanted to go to the game (besides getting to hang out with my friends... but I can do that and not have to pay $6 for a beer many other places)! I would have even paid for a t-shirt. They were cool! And I’m supposed to have one!

And just for the record… for those who will say, “well, you should have gotten there earlier”. Screw you! I did want to go get our tickets early! I wanted to get my t-shirt and go back to the car to tailgate some… but SHD said I had nothing to worry about… so in the end…

It’s SHD’s fault!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I’ve been one productive girl lately…

I’ve been painting our bedroom. Remember how the entire interior of our house was a dark turquoise? So when SHD and I talk about painting different rooms, it’s quite a task. It takes two thick coats of primer to hide the awful color that was and then it takes another two coats of paint to make everything nice.

So after you’ve slaved over four layers of paint… the taping and painting begins again… for the trim. They even painted the trim funny colors!!! The upstairs isn’t as bad as the first floor… at least they used gray on the trim in the bedrooms. White covers gray much nicer than navy blue.

So on Wednesday, I am a taping and painting fool once again. Trim won’t take as long, right?

Our bedroom really will be a beautiful room in the end. We’ve decided that the 2 ½ foot closets are not big enough for this girl, so we’re transforming one of the walls into a closet for us both to share. I’ll be making curtains to separate the stuff from the room… I’m looking forward to this. I’m thinking a dusty blue with iridescent tones… but not foofy. SHD has made it pretty clear that although he doesn’t expect a bachelor’s bedroom, ruffles and floral prints are not allowed. I’m positive I can do wonders with stripes!

Besides painting, I’ve been doing yard work, working at the pet store and trying not to kill myself while at the hospital. This week at the hospital hasn’t been too bad… I’ve stayed quite motivated and staying busy… busy will keep me sane here.

I went to the gym last night. The Couch-to-5K plan has begun again. I swear… I’m going to be able to run someday dammit! Is it weird that I’m starving the day after an intense workout? I’ve had oatmeal with a dollop of peanut butter and a banana today… and I’m still hungry. Hmmm… I’ll have to google that.

I’m excited to continue working out. I feel good today and I know that working out will release some of the everyday crap that we tend to let build up. I’m all about being healthier. At least that's the goal at hand... wish me luck!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Today I got a new stapler… this is my fourth in the last year.

I’m not hard on staplers, although I use them frequently. I’m kind to them, I don’t pound on them, I gingerly pick them up and squeeze.

I see many people pounding their fists on their little staplers and know why they don’t staple well. I mean, a stapler can only take so much pounding.

I’ve had a great old metal black Momma of a stapler, a nice plastic blue ergonomic hand held stapler, a free from vendor gift red see through plastic ergonomic hand held stapler, and now I’ve got a Swingline 405.

The Swingline 405 model is black, sleet with both plastic and metal fixtures.

The best part… it staples beautifully… flawlessly. There are no jams yet today, no wonky-flying-out-the-wrong-side instead of bending underneath and waiting to jab me in the finger, no you-think-I’m-going-in-but-I’m-really-just-jamming-up-in-there-real-good and it’s gonna take you forever to get me out. It’s doing its job… and that’s all I ask.

I love my new Swingline 405.

*I tried to get a nice pic of my new stapler... it's taking too long and I'm not that patient today.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

On the other side?

I just had an interesting thing happen…

I saw two ladies struggling with a door as they were carrying a bunch of linen and supplies, so I held the door open for them both. They were joined by a man and the three of them started a conversation in Spanish.

I took four years of Spanish in high school and junior college… I won’t say that I remember a lot, but I do catch phrases and words in conversations.

They were making fun of someone… for not being able to speak Spanish.

Yes, people who don’t speak Spanish usually know what “no habla Espanol” means. Some people also know what “como se dice” means as well. They were making fun of someone who was asking them how to say different words in Spanish.

I judge and make fun of others on a daily basis. I make fun of people for various reasons: bad hair days, poor wardrobe choices, camel toes… I could go on and on.

I will say however, I have never, NEVER had a lively conversation with friends making fun of people for not speaking my language in front of someone who doesn’t speak that language. And, they did this just after I was polite and courteous to them.

I just think it was rude.

To leave things on a positive note (because that’s the direction I’m trying to go now…)…

The artwork for my new tattoo has begun. I expect to see something in the first week or so of August. My appointment is Aug. 23rd at 11am. This will be my first substantial tattoo… I’m super excited!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Come On Already, Mr. Summer!

I think I have PMDD.

I left my Midol at home today and I think I’m going to kill someone. I don’t know if it has to do with the heat, but I am SO bloated that I feel like a great blue whale (although I am wearing green today) and I’m really tired, much more tired than normal and irritable as hell.

I’ve been trying to eat better/less over the last few days. I’m not really calling it a diet; I’m just trying to watch what I eat more closely. I figure if when I quit smoking (seven years ago this January) I never said I was quitting really, I just said I wasn’t going to smoke that day… and that worked… so maybe I can lose some weight by not calling what I’m doing a diet? Who knows.

I did have another interesting dinner last night… a bowl of lightly salted/peppered cottage cheese, pickles (no, I’m not expecting) and a beer. Just when you were thinking beer couldn't taste any better... I've discovered that eating pickles with your beer actually brings out the flavor of the beer and makes it taste better. Yeah, I was shocked too. My beer really tasted good last night... and I only had one.

The bedroom is all trimmed out and waiting for the first layer of rolled primer. I was worried about sleeping in the room with all of the paint fumes, but I think I stayed up late enough (also contributing to being a bit tired today) that most of the smell had blown out of the room, thanks to our new chilly window air conditioning unit.

I'm on a quest... a quest to be a better NutScraps. I'm doing this for me and only me. I’m trying to be a more positive person. Really. There are plenty of things I could have put in this post… but I deleted, to aid me in my quest to become more positive. I’m a little judgmental and don’t give people the slack they *might really* deserve sometimes.

I really don’t hate everyone, at least I don’t want to hate everyone… and I don’t hate kids, I really don’t want anyone to think I hate kids either. Kids like me... that's why I always end up hanging out with them at get togethers. Kids are fine... as long as they aren't coming home with me.

So, look forward to hearing from positive NutScraps… not just irritable, gripin’ all the time NutScraps.

OH! I'm knitting tomorrow night with the Knit-and-Get-Lit girls! I haven't been able to go in quite sometime... I'm really excited to see how everyone's summers are going.